Sunday, 24 June 2012

Calm before the storm

There’s not really much to say at the moment as it’s still just over 2 months until the course starts and I haven’t been doing anywhere near enough preparation. This is partly due to sheer laziness and procrastination and my part, and partly because I’ve had to split my time between PGCE prep and summer school prep. As I leave for Summer School on Sunday, it’s taken precedent. 

At the moment I’m feeling nervous, apprehensive and a bit excited too! Family and friends keep reminding me how I used to ring them in tears last time I was there, something I’ve tried to forget. I know overall I had a great time though, so I’m just trying to focus on that and hope that this time I have a years teaching under my belt and a better idea what to expect!! 

The Bribes

Even so, I’m pretty worried about behaviour management as it was something I really struggled with last time. Especially as we aren’t allowed to reprimand students in anyway, so there’s no consequences for their actions. I’ve decided to proactively set up a reward system. Not exactly sure what it is yet, but it will involve prizes and rewards for students that try their best and behave well! I’m going to have a little tin with prizes in, so far I have smelly gel pens and Olympic themed magnetic bookmarks.

Before I go down South for a month though I have my pre-orientation day. We haven’t had too much information about this yet but as far as I’m aware we’ll be applying for our CRBs and told more about the course structure and important dates. A group of us have arranged to get together for drinks afterwards as well. I’m really looking forward to getting to know people, hopefully it’ll make September a little less scary!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

And so it begins

Welcome to my new blog… Miss Lee and the PGCE. I start my Primary PGCE in September and I’d love to share my experiences with fellow trainee teachers or prospective teachers. I know how much I’ve enjoyed reading teaching blogs in preparation for my PGCE!

A few things you should know about me:
  1. I overuse exclamation marks. This isn't just me trying to be annoying, I tend to type how I speak, and I get excited over just about anything.
  2. I have started numerous blogs in the past, I start off really well but as the year goes on the updates start to thin until they wither away altogether.
  3. I have a passion for travel and one day I would like to travel the world. So far I've been to about 20 countries including South Korea, Thailand, Poland, Italy and Switzerland.
  4. I have some experience teaching. I taught English as a Foreign Language in South Korea for a year, and then taught EFL at summer schools for a couple of summers in England. I'm still really nervous about teaching in primary school though, I imagine it's pretty different.
  5. I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you.

Lots of love
Miss Lee