Tuesday, 12 June 2012

And so it begins

Welcome to my new blog… Miss Lee and the PGCE. I start my Primary PGCE in September and I’d love to share my experiences with fellow trainee teachers or prospective teachers. I know how much I’ve enjoyed reading teaching blogs in preparation for my PGCE!

A few things you should know about me:
  1. I overuse exclamation marks. This isn't just me trying to be annoying, I tend to type how I speak, and I get excited over just about anything.
  2. I have started numerous blogs in the past, I start off really well but as the year goes on the updates start to thin until they wither away altogether.
  3. I have a passion for travel and one day I would like to travel the world. So far I've been to about 20 countries including South Korea, Thailand, Poland, Italy and Switzerland.
  4. I have some experience teaching. I taught English as a Foreign Language in South Korea for a year, and then taught EFL at summer schools for a couple of summers in England. I'm still really nervous about teaching in primary school though, I imagine it's pretty different.
  5. I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you.

Lots of love
Miss Lee

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